Day 3 – What about Lids?
Well, it’s been another lovely sunny afternoon here on the east coast of Scotland and all the more reason to make sure that you stay hydrated. From a preventative healthcare point of view, the importance of staying hydrated cannot be underestimated, and I know from first-hand experience how nasty some of the infections can be when our loved ones become dehydrated. One way to encourage drinking is to add a lid to your loved one’s favourite and familiar mug to provide that extra layer of support and confidence.
When customers have been buying a Rosa Lifestyle mug I’ve often been asked there are any lids to go with the mug – well, there soon will be! This has been quite a lot of work in the making, and we’re currently going through mould testing with initial samples heading my way in June. If all goes to plan, I should have two styles of lids available to fit your Rosa Lifestyle mugs by the Autumn – one will be a discreet inset lid with a sippy hole and the other lid will have a spout so you can choose which one would suit your loved one’s needs better.
I’m really excited about these products and I can’t wait to have them available for you all – importantly, they can prolong and extend the usefulness of your Rosa Lifestyle mug meaning that a different drinking solution doesn’t need to be introduced as your loved one’s needs change. I know how important familiarity that can be to someone, particularly someone with dementia, and the mug lids mean that they can keep on using their favourite Rosa Lifestyle mugs!
Sarah x