Day 6 – Rosa Lifestyle – What’s in a Name?
Rosa Lifestyle – where does the name come from? Well, it’s actually an acronym of my family’s names: Rory, Olivia (my kiddos), Sarah & Aaron (my husband). I’d been trying to think of a good name and had pondered this for a while. It was then my brother-in-law who suggested an acronym and after initially discarding ‘SOAR’ I settled on ‘ROSA’. Rosa is also Italian for pink and my Nonna’s favourite flowers were pink so that was that, Rosa it was. The Lifestyle part of my name was because although I started out with 2 handled mugs, my goal has always been to expand my business to include a range of everyday living aids that make life easier for everyone, everywhere, every day!
So after deciding on a name I then needed to design a logo – it needed to represent the initial roots of my business (my 2 handled mugs), reference the floral/ rosa link to my Nonna who was the whole inspiration for my business and it also had be modern to reflect that this is my new business, with a contemporary outlook. I worked closely with a brilliant designer, Amy Olivia Soule, and what we’ve achieved is, in my opinion, simply amazing and so the Rosa Lifestyle logo was born!
Sarah x